- 選擇課程
- 選擇上課日期及時間
- 網上付款
- 確認上課
- 該系統只接受36小時以後之預約,如果想預約於36小時內的課堂,請直接聯絡老師確認。
鰂魚涌英皇道677號11樓榮華工業大廈Lofter Bay B15室
如有任何關於課程或報名的查詢,歡迎whatsapp: 90258097. 謝謝!
Registration method:
- Choose a course
- Choose the class date and time
- Pay online
- Confirm class
- The system only accepts appointments after 36 hours. If you want to book a class within 36 hours, please get in touch with the teacher directly to confirm the booking
Rm B15, Lofter Bay, Wing Wah Industrial Building, 11/F, 677 King's Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong Island
If you have any enquiries about the course or registration, please feel free to WhatsApp: 90258097. Thank you!